Wednesday, March 25, 2009


It's impossible to keep a journal of my experiences in South Africa and Botswana and not mention HIV/AIDS. The figures are simply staggering. The HIV prevalence amongst adults (15-49) in SA is 18.8%, with an estimated 320,000+ AIDS deaths per year. The figures are even more staggering for Botswana, where an estimated 24.1% of the adult population lives with HIV/AIDS, and there are an estimated 120,000 AIDS orphans in the country alone! The size and scope of the problem is staggering, obnoxious, and saddening. The positive news in Botswana is that the government recognizes the problem and is taking solid steps to confront it. Moreover, the Botswana government is stable and, from what we heard, pragmatic. One can only wish the same from the South African government, where as recently as 2003 the health minister advocated a diet of garlic, lemon, and olive oil to cure the disease. Frankly, the level of ignorance is astonishing. The world, and certainly Africa needs a strong and competent South Africa to lead broader Africa out of its troubles. The recent SA leadership has failed to live up to promise or necessity.

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